Mastering Instagram Pet Hashtags: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Influencers

Are you a passionate pet owner looking to turn your furry friend's Instagram account into a thriving influencer business? With the power of hashtags, you can skyrocket your visibility, build a vibrant community, and even attract lucrative brand partnerships. But with millions of options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

Mastering Instagram Pet Hashtags as an idea, Illustrated

As a seasoned marketing expert who has worked with numerous pet influencers and businesses, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact of a well-crafted Instagram hashtag strategy. In this comprehensive guide, I'll share industry insights and proven tactics to help you navigate the world of pet hashtags and unleash your account's full potential.

We'll dive deep into the art and science of selecting the perfect mix of hashtags, from broad pet type tags to niche-specific gems that can hook your target audience. I'll also reveal strategies for leveraging trending topics, creating a one-of-a-kind branded hashtag, and avoiding common mistakes that could tank your reach.


I. The Power of Instagram Pet Hashtags

II. Crafting the Perfect Instagram Pet Hashtag Strategy A. Understanding the Different Types of Pet Hashtags

III. Maximizing Reach with Pet Hashtag Popularity Mixing

IV. Leveraging Niche-Specific Pet Hashtags

V. Measuring the Success of Your Instagram Pet Hashtag Strategy

VI. The Future of Instagram Pet Hashtags

Wrap-Up: Putting Your Pet Hashtag Strategy Into Action

Wordpress Table of Contents by Topic

Whether you're a new pet influencer just starting out or an established account ready to take your game to the next level, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to master the power of Instagram pet hashtags. So grab a cozy seat, cuddle up with your furry co-star, and let's get started!

I. The Power of Instagram Pet Hashtags

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of crafting an unbeatable hashtag strategy, let's first explore why these simple keywords are so crucial for pet influencer success on Instagram.

A. How Pet Hashtags Increase Visibility and Reach

In the crowded and fast-paced world of Instagram, hashtags act as a powerful discovery tool to help your content get noticed by users beyond your current following. By tagging your posts with relevant keywords, you make them searchable and allow your account to be found by anyone interested in that specific topic.

For instance, Instagram expert Alex Tooby emphasizes that "hashtags are essentially Instagram's sorting process. With around 95 million photos posted on Instagram every day, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to get your posts seen. Using hashtags can help you cut through the noise to reach relevant and interested users."

B. The Role of Pet Hashtags in Building a Community

Hashtags are not just about expanding your reach - they also serve as a powerful tool for fostering a sense of community and connecting with like-minded pet lovers on the platform. By consistently using and engaging with content under specific hashtags, you can establish your account as an active participant and thought leader within those niche communities.

Jenn Herman, a leading Instagram authority, notes that "the right hashtags can help you find your community, but they also lead your community to you. If you're using very targeted, specific hashtags, you're able to connect with other like-minded users who share your interests and are more likely to engage with your brand."

C. Pet Hashtags as a Tool for Brand Collaboration

As your pet account grows and gains traction within specific hashtag communities, doors can open for exciting collaborations and partnerships with pet brands. Many companies actively monitor and search relevant hashtags to discover potential influencers who align with their products and messaging.

Kyla Brennan, the founder of HelloSociety, an agency that connects brands with influencers, reveals that "hashtags are one of the easiest and most effective ways for brands to locate influencers. They can search for top hashtags related to their industry and niche to find Instagrammers who are already posting about relevant topics."

Now that we've established the immense power of pet hashtags for growth, community-building, and monetization, let's dive into the step-by-step process of developing a winning hashtag strategy for your pet influencer account.

An eye-catching illustration of a stylish bulldog engaged in a trendy social media post, surrounded by contemporary pop culture elements and vibrant colors.II. Crafting the Perfect Instagram Pet Hashtag Strategy

A. Understanding the Different Types of Pet Hashtags

To create a well-rounded hashtag strategy, it's essential to understand the various categories of pet hashtags and their distinct purposes in your overall Instagram game plan. Let's break down the three main types:

These broad, high-volume tags are used to categorize the species or breed of your pet and tap into the massive communities of animal lovers on the platform. They're an excellent way to boost visibility and get your content in front of a vast, pet-obsessed audience.

Theme tags describe specific activities, styles, or traits related to your pet and help users discover content that matches their particular interests. Use these to showcase your pet's unique personality, hobbies, and lifestyle.

Many pet brands have dedicated hashtags for their customers and influencer partners to use when featuring their products. Including these can get your post on the brand's radar while signaling to your followers which products you love and recommend.

Aim to incorporate a balanced mix of these three hashtag categories in your posts, usually 2-3 of each type, for the optimal blend of reach, engagement, and partnership potential.

B. Researching and Selecting the Right Pet Hashtags

With countless pet hashtags to choose from, being intentional and strategic with your selections is key to cut through the clutter and connect with your ideal audience. Here are some top tips for finding the cream of the crop:

  • Use Instagram's Search Function for Hashtag Ideas

Start by typing a keyword relevant to your pet or niche into the Instagram search bar, like "yorkiepuppy", "catloversclub", or "reptileenthusiast". The platform will automatically suggest popular hashtags related to your search term. Browse through the suggestions to identify potential winners for your content.

  • Analyze Competitors' Hashtag Strategies

Do some recon on successful pet influencers and brands in your space to get a sense of the hashtags they frequently use. While you never want to copy someone's strategy exactly, this competitive analysis can spark ideas and clue you into to possible high-performing tags you may be missing.

Instagram marketing expert Sue B. Zimmerman advises to "go to the pages of some of your favorite accounts and check out the hashtags they're using. See which ones would be applicable to your own content and add them to your shortlist."

  • Utilize Hashtag Generator Tools

There are a variety of helpful tools out there like DisplayPurposes, Instavast, and AutoHash that can do the heavy lifting of generating relevant hashtag ideas for your pet posts. Simply enter a starter keyword, and these generators will produce a list of related tags to consider.

Whichever method you use to find hashtag ideas, be sure to pop them into Instagram's search bar to check their post volume and top content before adding them to your roster. Aim for a variety of tags across different popularity levels (more on this in a bit) and double check that the content showing up aligns with your posts and brand voice.

C. Determining the Optimal Number of Pet Hashtags per Post

While Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags per post, more isn't always better. In fact, studies have found that the optimal hashtag count for maximum engagement hovers around 8-15 tags per post.

Social media scheduling platform Later analyzed over 18 million Instagram feed posts and discovered that "posts with 20+ hashtags get the least amount of engagement, whereas posts with 10-20 hashtags get the most." They recommend using 15-20 strategic hashtags per post for the best results.

Of course, the magic number can vary based on your specific pet niche and audience, so it's important to test and track your own results. Start with 10-15 hashtags per post and experiment with slightly more or less to find your unique sweet spot for reach and engagement.

D. Creating a Branded Pet Hashtag for Your Influencer Account

In addition to leveraging existing pet hashtags, crafting your own branded hashtag unique to your pet influencer account is a powerful way to build a sense of community, track your content, and establish a strong brand presence on the platform.

Think of your branded hashtag as a virtual rallying cry for your most loyal fans and followers. It's a way for them to tag their own related content and feel like part of your pet's exclusive club. Some tips for creating an impactful branded hashtag:

  • Keep it short, catchy, and easy to spell
  • Include your pet's name or a play on your account handle
  • Make sure it's not already in use by a similar account
  • Incorporate relevant keywords related to your pet's breed, personality, or location
  • Promote it consistently in your bio, posts, and Stories

Strong examples of effective branded pet hashtags include:

By using your custom hashtag consistently alongside other strategic pet tags, you give your audience an easy way to join and engage with your community while strengthening your pet's unique brand presence on the Instagram.

A chihuahua influencer studying hashtag strategy books.

III. Maximizing Reach with Pet Hashtag Popularity Mixing

A. Understanding Pet Hashtag Popularity Levels

Not all hashtags are created equal in terms of their reach and engagement potential. Generally, hashtags can be grouped into three categories based on post volume:

  • Low Popularity Pet Hashtags (Less than 50,000 posts)

These highly-specific, niche hashtags have a smaller audience but typically deliver higher engagement rates. Examples might include #seniorchihuahua (2.1K posts) or #blackcatsrule (36K posts).

  • Medium Popularity Pet Hashtags (50,000 to 500,000 posts)

This tier offers a balance of reach and relevance - popular enough to have a sizable audience but not so broad that your content will get lost. Tags like #boxerdog (270K posts) and #lizardsofig (60K posts) fall in this range.

  • High Popularity Pet Hashtags (More than 500,000 posts)

These hashtags are extremely popular and offer immense exposure potential, but they also come with intense competition. Mega tags like #dogsofinstagram (280M posts) and #ilovemycat (30M posts) fit in this category.

Your goal is to include a strategic mix of all three popularity levels in your posts to maximize your reach while still maintaining relevance with your target pet community.

A cat using a cell phone to go to social media.

B. Benefits of Mixing Pet Hashtag Popularity Levels

Let's take a closer look at how weaving together different tiers of hashtag popularity can seriously level up your pet's Instagram game:

  • Gaining Visibility with Low Popularity Pet Hashtags

While niche hashtags with less than 50K posts may have a smaller audience, they can be incredibly valuable for connecting with highly engaged users who are truly passionate about that specific pet topic or characteristic.

For example, a Dalmatian fan account might use an ultra-targeted tag like #dalmatiansofig (49K posts) to get their spots in front of the most ardent Dalmatian devotees. The overall reach may be smaller, but the users who discover the content are much more likely to hit that heart button and smash the follow.

  • Reaching a Broader Audience with Medium Popularity Pet Hashtags

The mid-tier hashtags in the 50-500K post range hit that sweet spot between reach and relevance. They're popular enough to have a substantial following, but targeted enough to still attract users interested in your pet's specific niche.

Tags like #rescuedog (13M posts) or #piglove (250K posts) allow your content to be seen by a wider audience without getting drowned out in the sea of more general pet posts. It's the perfect balance for growing your community with the right kind of animal-loving users.

  • Tapping into Viral Potential with High Popularity Pet Hashtags

For maximum exposure and the chance to go viral, high-popularity hashtags with 500K+ posts are your ticket to ride. By tapping into massive communities like #dogstagram (87M posts) or #meow (84M posts), you open up your content to an incredibly vast audience of potential new fans and followers.

Of course, the competition is steeper in this popularity tier, so it's essential to use mega tags sparingly and pair them with a healthy dose of mid and low-range hashtags to balance things out. But when the right post hits with the right monster hashtag, the results can be game-changing.

C. Strategies for Combining Pet Hashtag Popularity Levels in Posts

Now that you understand the power of mixing hashtag popularity levels, let's talk strategy. Here's a simple formula to consider when building out your hashtag roster:

  • Use 3-5 highly popular hashtags (500K+ posts) for optimal reach potential
  • Include 4-6 moderately popular tags (50-500K posts) for that reach and relevance sweet spot
  • Sprinkle in 2-4 niche hashtags (>50K posts) to connect with your most passionate fans
  • Don't forget 1-2 branded hashtags to keep strengthening your unique community

You can experiment with this ratio depending on your goals for a particular post or campaign. Looking to go big and attract hordes of new followers? Pack in some extra 500K+ heavy hitters. Trying to build deeper connections with your existing fans? Skew your ratio toward mid-range and niche tags.

The key is to consistently analyze your post results and adjust your popularity mix accordingly. Keep track of which hashtag combos are driving the most reach, engagement, and follower growth for your pet account, and keep fine-tuning your strategy based on those insights.

By combining high, medium, and low popularity hashtags in every post, you give yourself the best shot at expanding your reach, attracting your ideal audience, and even kick-starting a viral moment. It's a tried-and-true tactic leveraged by smart pet influencers to keep their content working hard for their community and brand.

A chihuahua influencer surrounded by various types of cameras.

IV. Leveraging Niche-Specific Pet Hashtags

While broad, popular hashtags are fantastic for reaching the masses, niche hashtags that drill down into the specifics of your pet's breed, personality, lifestyle, and more can be the secret sauce for attracting your most loyal, engaged followers. Let's explore how to identify and leverage these ultra-specific tags for maximum impact.

A. Identifying Niche Pet Hashtags for Your Influencer Account

Niche hashtags go beyond the obvious pet keywords to hone in on what makes your furry, feathered, or scaly friend truly unique. Here are some categories of niche pet hashtags to consider:

These breed or species-specific tags help you connect with users who are passionate about the exact type of pet you have. They're especially useful for rare or unusual breeds that have dedicated followings.

If your pet has specific health concerns or special needs, tapping into related hashtag communities can be a great way to find support, resources, and like-minded pet parents. These tags can also highlight how you prioritize your pet's wellness.

Niche lifestyle hashtags paint a picture of your pet's unique personality and habits - whether they're a seasoned hiker, a fashionista, or a couch potato. Use these to attract followers interested in your pet's specific way of life.

When brainstorming niche hashtag ideas, think about what sets your pet apart from the crowd. Are they a hypoallergenic breed? A working animal? A therapy pet? A champion competitor? Hone in on their most distinctive qualities and search for relevant tags.

A joyful dog owner and the dog celebrating success while recording it.

B. Benefits of Using Niche Pet Hashtags

So why bother with these super-specific hashtags? While they may have smaller audiences, niche tags pack a big punch when it comes to engagement and community-building.

  • Attracting a Highly Targeted Audience

Users following and searching for niche pet hashtags are serious enthusiasts for that particular pet type or topic. By using these tags, you put your content directly in front of the people most likely to appreciate and engage with it. Quality over quantity!

For example, owners of the rare and pricey Savannah cat breed can use tags like #f1savannahcat (1.6K posts) or #savannahsofinstagram (168K posts) to gain exposure with the most devoted Savannah enthusiasts and breed groups.

  • Establishing Your Expertise within a Specific Pet Niche

Consistently using and engaging with content under niche pet hashtags can help position your account as a go-to resource within that community. Other enthusiasts will come to recognize and trust your expertise on that pet type or topic.

Jenn Herman, a top Instagram blogger, explains: "By using specific, relevant hashtags, you're much more likely to reach your target market. You're making it easier for the audience you want to find you and connect with you. This will result in a more engaged following."

  • Increasing Engagement Rates

Because niche tags attract such a hyper-relevant audience, your content is likely to resonate strongly and spur high levels of engagement. Users are more likely to like, comment, and share posts that cater to their specific interests.

Emma Ashby from the agency Good Boy Studios notes: "In our experience, we see niche hashtags generate a far higher engagement rate compared to larger hashtags on Instagram. Think about it, your content gets seen by everyone that is interested in that particular hashtag, rather than only a fraction of a much larger audience."

By mixing hyper-relevant niche tags into your overall hashtag strategy, you can hone in on your most valuable potential fans to build the strong sense of community and high engagement that pet influencer success is made of.

A cat influencer surrounded by various pet working gear.

V. Measuring the Success of Your Instagram Pet Hashtag Strategy

You've put in the work to craft a killer hashtag strategy - now it's time to track your results and see how your efforts are paying off. After all, smart marketers know that metrics are key to proving your ROI and justifying your social media spend. Here's how to measure your hashtag performance like a pro.

A. Key Metrics to Track

When it comes to assessing your Instagram pet hashtag strategy, there are a few specific metrics you'll want to keep an eye on:

  • Post Reach and Impressions

These data points show you how many unique users saw your hashtagged post (reach) and the total number of views it received (impressions). If your reach and impressions are growing after implementing your new hashtag strategy, you're on the right track.

  • Engagement Rate (Likes, Comments, Shares)

Engagement rate measures the level of interaction your hashtagged posts are receiving from your audience. To calculate it, Later recommends the formula: (likes + comments) / followers *100.

An engagement rate of 1-5% is considered good for Instagram. Keep an eye on this rate as you test different pet hashtag combos to see which ones spur the most audience interaction.

  • Follower Growth

Are your shiny new pet hashtags attracting fresh faces to your account? Track your follower growth over time and see if there are any upticks that correspond to your hashtagged posts. You can also analyze your audience sources to see exactly how many new followers found you through a specific hashtag.

B. Using Instagram Insights to Analyze Pet Hashtag Performance

To access all these juicy hashtag metrics, you'll need to tap into Instagram's built-in analytics tool, Instagram Insights (only available for Business and Creator accounts). Here's how:

  • Head to your Instagram profile and tap the "Insights" button just below your bio
  • Scroll down to the "Content You Shared" section and tap "See All"
  • Select the specific post you want to analyze
  • Swipe up to view the post's insights, including profile visits, follows, reach, and breakdown of hashtag vs non-hashtag reach

Spend some time in your Insights each week reviewing which of your hashtagged pet posts are performing best. Do you see any patterns or trends around caption length, hashtag placement, or popularity mix? Use these learnings to continuously iterate and improve your hashtag approach.

For even more granular data, consider investing in a paid Instagram analytics platform like Iconosquare, Sprout Social, or Keyhole. These tools can provide deeper insights into hashtag analytics, including engagement by hashtag, related hashtag suggestions, and even competitive benchmarking.

C. Adjusting Your Pet Hashtag Strategy Based on Data Insights

Based on your Instagram Insights data and analysis, you can start to make informed adjustments to your pet hashtag strategy for even better results. Here are a few ways to pivot based on your findings:

  • If you notice certain hashtags are driving significantly more reach or engagement than others, consider using them more frequently or finding similar hashtags to test.
  • If you're not seeing the level of reach or follower growth you want, try experimenting with different hashtag popularity mixes. Incorporate more medium and high-competition tags to see if it boosts your discoverability.
  • If your engagement rate is low, take a look at your hashtag relevancy. Are you using tags that accurately describe your content and attract your target pet community? It may be time to refine your hashtag list to better align with your niche and goals.
  • If you're seeing good results from a particular brand or event hashtag, explore ways to build on that momentum. Could you reach out to the brand for a potential partnership? Or plan more content around future events that use that hashtag?

By regularly monitoring your hashtag data and making strategic tweaks, you can fine-tune your pet hashtag strategy into a well-oiled machine that reliably drives awareness, engagement, and growth for your influencer account. Trust the numbers - they don't lie!

A dog surrounded by illustrations of social media iconography.
Collage of various pet influencers and social media icons.

VI. The Future of Instagram Pet Hashtags

As we've seen throughout this guide, the world of Instagram pet hashtags is always evolving. Let's take a look at some emerging trends and predictions for where pet hashtag strategies may be headed in the coming months and years.

Here are a few up-and-coming pet hashtag trends to keep on your radar:

By staying tapped into the larger cultural trends and conversations happening around pet ownership and animal welfare, you can identify emerging hashtag themes before they go mainstream. Use these rising hashtags to signal your brand's relevance and values, while still getting in on the ground floor for that coveted discoverability.

B. Predictions for Pet Hashtag Usage and Effectiveness

With Instagram itself de-emphasizing the importance of hashtags in its algorithm and interface, some social media experts are questioning the long-term viability of hashtags as a growth and engagement strategy.

Instagram expert Rachel Reichenbach predicts that "the focus of social media will change from mass awareness and hype culture to actually focusing on niche communities, micro audiences, and smaller groups of highly engaged people." This could mean a shift away from using broad, popular hashtags in favor of more specific, community-focused tags.

However, most industry insiders still believe hashtags have an important role to play, even as Instagram's features and priorities change. The key is to focus on using hashtags as a tool for community-building and connection, rather than just a numbers game for likes and followers.

Later advises brands to "be thoughtful when choosing hashtags, opting for a healthy mix of branded and unbranded tags that are hyper-relevant to your niche, content and audience. Community-focused hashtags that aim to bring people together around a common interest or cause are where it's at right now."

C. Staying Ahead of the Curve as a Pet Influencer

As the pet industry continues to boom and social media becomes even more saturated, it's more important than ever for pet influencers to stay adaptable and ahead of the curve with their hashtag strategies.

This means keeping a pulse on your specific pet niche and target audience, and being willing to pivot your hashtag approach as their interests and behaviors change. It also means paying attention to the latest features and algorithm updates from Instagram itself, as well as broader consumer trends around pet products and experiences.

Some forward-thinking ways to stay ahead of the pet hashtag game:

At the end of the day, staying successful as a pet influencer in an ever-changing social media landscape requires a blend of art and science – a deep knowledge of your unique pet niche and audience, a data-driven approach to tracking and optimizing your hashtag performance, and a willingness to take creative risks and adapt your strategy as needed.

By taking the wealth of hashtag insights and techniques covered in this guide and continuing to educate yourself on Instagram trends and best practices, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the future of pet hashtags with confidence and agility. Remember – when it comes to hashtag strategy, fortune favors the bold (and the fluffy)!

A pet influencer set up to record content.

Wrap-Up: Putting Your Pet Hashtag Strategy Into Action

Phew, we've covered a lot of ground in this ultimate guide to Instagram pet hashtags! From understanding the power of hashtags for growth and engagement to crafting a data-driven strategy across popularity levels and trends, you now have a solid foundation to take your pet influencer account to the next level.

But reading about hashtag best practices is one thing – actually implementing them is another. It's time to put all this knowledge into action and start hashtagging like a pro.

Organizing Your Instagram Pet Hashtag Strategy

To get started, I recommend creating a master spreadsheet or document to house your hashtag research and keep track of your go-to tags for different post themes and campaigns.

Create separate tabs or sections for hashtag categories like:

  • Evergreen hashtags for your pet niche and content pillars
  • Branded hashtags for your account and community
  • Hashtags for specific holidays, seasons, and events
  • Hashtags for key influencer and brand partnerships
  • Hashtags to tap into trending topics and conversations

Under each category, compile a list of relevant hashtags across different popularity levels, and note any specific post types or campaigns they align with. Aim to have at least 50-100 hashtags in each category so you have plenty of options to mix and match.

Next, create a posting calendar or content plan that maps out your hashtag strategy for the coming weeks and months. Slot in any major holidays, events, or launches you want to create hashtagged content around, and start brainstorming campaign ideas and hashtag themes to support your goals.

Use your hashtag spreadsheet as a starting point for each post, but don't be afraid to do additional research and add in new tags as you go. Keep track of which hashtag combos you use for each post so you can analyze your results and refine your strategy over time.

Measuring and Optimizing Your Hashtag Performance

As you start implementing your new hashtag approach, it's crucial to regularly track and measure your key metrics so you can gauge what's working and what's not. Refer back to Section VII for a refresh on the most important hashtag metrics and how to access them through Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools.

I recommend doing a deep dive into your hashtag data at least once a month to look for patterns and opportunities for optimization. Ask yourself:

  • Which hashtags are driving the highest reach, impressions, and engagement rates?
  • Are certain hashtag popularity mixes outperforming others?
  • What types of content and campaigns are seeing the best hashtag results?
  • Are there any outlier posts with unusually high or low hashtag metrics?

Use your findings to continuously update your hashtag spreadsheet and posting calendar. Don't be afraid to retire underperforming tags and experiment with new ones based on your research and industry trends.

Remember, hashtag strategy is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done checklist. It requires consistent analysis, adaptation, and creative thinking to stay effective in an always-evolving platform like Instagram.

Putting Your Own Spin on Pet Hashtags

At the end of the day, there's no one-size-fits-all formula for pet hashtag success on Instagram. What works for one account may not work for another, even within the same niche.

The key is to use the strategies and best practices covered in this guide as a solid foundation, but not be afraid to put your own unique spin on them based on your brand voice, audience preferences, and creative vision.

Don't just copy the hashtags used by big pet accounts – think about how you can tailor them to your specific content themes and community. Put a clever or humorous twist on popular tags, or come up with your own branded hashtags that showcase your account's personality.

As long as you stay authentic, relevant, and valuable to your target audience, you have the freedom to get creative and have fun with your hashtag approach. After all, pets are all about bringing joy and entertainment to our lives – your hashtag strategy should reflect that spirit!

Author Image
Justin Anderson
As the founder of multiple pet-centric startups and a seasoned Marketing Director, my expertise spans across strategic growth and vibrant community building within the pet industry. I'm also the author of "Kibble Contracts: How to Become a Pet Influencer," a definitive guide for potential pet influencers. Leveraging a deep passion for both pets and marketing, I offer unparalleled insights into building influential pet accounts and have a proven track record.